An adventurous styled session at Elephant Rock

Hey friends! It’s the last day of June. The last day of pride month. The last few days before I turn 29. And let me just say: holy cow. What. A. Month. I had 7 INCREDIBLE sessions this month (compared to 12 in May… and frankly, with the heat, I’m not upset by this number). I’m finally starting to get back into the swing of things, getting better about consistent posting (something that, I’ll admit, I’ve never been good about), and looking forward to what the rest of the year has in store. Sure, these next couple of months are going to be relatively slow in terms of bookings, but I can’t blame anybody with this heat. I’m not one to wish summertime away, though, because it’s always been one of my favorites, if you can look past the mosquitos, heatwaves, and the fact that the sun has it out for me on a daily basis. I love the adventures that summer brings. I’m leaving tomorrow and headed to Asheville for a few days, and my husband and I have plans to go to Silver Dollar City and a St. Louis Cardinals game in August. Then we get into Corey’s birthday month, our 1 year wedding anniversary, our niece’s birthday, and the madness that comes to photographers in the fall. I’m so ready for it, but I’m loving the fact that I have the time to relax a little this summer.

I started this month with a couple of old friends, in a place that’s very near and dear to me, and we created some beautiful images that I’m so proud of. I met Amy and Sam at the end of 2018. They had reached out to me and inquired about engagement and wedding photography. Amy was from England, Sam was from Missouri. They met in Ecuador, got engaged in Malaysia, and had the most perfect wedding in Ste. Genevieve. And when I say perfect, I’m talking 60 degree weather in January (I’m very much against climate change, but was grateful to not have to shoot in 10 degree weather that day), a Krispy Kreme donut bar, and a party atmosphere unlike anything I’ve ever witnessed. In fact, my second shooter and I stayed until the end and partied with them and their other vendors. It was one of the most memorable days. Their love story just solidifies the fact that the universe works in mysterious ways, but always has a way of bringing people together.

So naturally, when Amy and Sam reached out for a session at Elephant Rock, I couldn’t refuse. I’ve kept up with them and their travels since their wedding in 2019, and have always wondered if I’d get to work with them again. They’re so comfortable in front of the camera, and I love the laughter and joy they bring out in each other. It was a no brainer.

What I love most about Amy and Sam is that they are unapologetically themselves. When we were working out the styling and what they should wear, I said they could either go a boho route, or more of a hiking look. I already knew what the answer was going to be, but wanted to give them the option. Hiking, one hundred percent. It’s totally them and I couldn’t envision anything else. They are avid hikers and explorers, and it just made the most sense with their style and the location. When it comes to styling for a session, I always stress that being comfortable and feeling like yourself is the most important thing. Sure, matching is nice, but getting to express who you are is even better. Plus, if you’re not comfortable in what you’re wearing, it’s going to reflect in the photos, so I always say to wear what makes you feel the most confident.

This session went by so smoothly, and we took well over 1500 photos and closed the park down. We joked about Missouri’s heat, and I asked Amy if she had adjusted to the switch from Celsius to Fahrenheit – where I then had to admit the time I told a server in Iceland that it had to be close to 100 degrees Celsius in Missouri in the summertime, half sarcastically, half me forgetting everything I knew about temperature conversions. And he was not amused, and told me I’d be dead, before he walked away. The rest of the session was pretty on par with that – lots of making fun of each other, lots of silly moments, and a whole lot of catching up. It was a beautiful night at Elephant Rock, and I couldn’t have asked for anything better for the first time shooting there.

Corey (my husband) tagged along with me on this shoot, mainly to haul my stuff around and make sure I didn’t step back off of a cliffside (which… I don’t put it past myself to do that.) At the end of it, when we were driving home, he said that Amy and Sam were a ton of fun to be around and super easy to joke with and talk to. I was like “well, yeah! That’s why I like working with them so much!” They are some of the coolest people you’ll ever meet, and you’re pretty lucky if you have them in your life. I can’t get over just how wonderfully their lives have come together over the years, and I’m hoping the next time I work with them, it includes their fur babies. Until then, I’m going to continue to live vicariously through all of their trips between the US and UK.

I am beyond thrilled that they found their happily ever after in each other. Everybody deserves a love like theirs, and I’m so grateful they stumbled across my profile all those years ago.

With much love and gratitude,

– Taylor

The Journal
